Saturday, June 29, 2013

143. RIP Mutalib MD

Mutalib MD - a famous name for the right reasons and I am very glad I had known you before in the same journey for EPIC. Joshua

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sabah RCI's star witness dies before taking stand

A star witness who was to testify before the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants in Sabah investigating alleged illegal granting of citizenship to foreigners has died before he had the chance to take the stand.

mutalib mdMD Mutalib @ Abdul Mutalib Mohd Daud, 51, passed away at 3am yesterday. He was believed to have suffered a stroke.

His body was brought to his home at Sulaiman Kingfisher, Kota Kinabalu, before being transferred to Bandaraya Mosque. His body will then be flown to Lahad Datu for burial.

Mutalib, who was a former Umno grassroot leader, became a fierce critic of the government, exposing alleged covert operations of foreigners being illegally granted citizenship in exchange for votes, or generally dubbed as 'Project IC'.

Though his family was from Kedah, they migrated to Sabah 40 years ago while Mutalib was a child and he later became an activist dedicated to exposing 'Project IC' and corruption in Sabah.

He authored several books concerning Project IC, including ‘IC Projek: Agenda Tersembunyi Mahathir?' (Project IC: Mahathir's Hidden Agenda), ‘IC Palsu: Merampas Hak Anak Sabah' (Fake IC: Taking Away the Rights of Sabahan), ‘007: Lelaki Malaysia Terakhir' (007: The Last Malaysian).

On the witness list

Mutalib md mykad project ic bookMutalib was also the editor-in-chief of, a portal dedicated to public interest issues in Sabah as well as a focus on Project IC.

His writings had been raised several times during the course of the Sabah RCI's investigation and his name was already on the witness list, due to be called soon.

Mutalib's passing was just two days before the sixth session of the Sabah RCI that will resume in Kota Kinabalu tomorrow.

However, Mutalib did testify against former Sabah Chief Minister Harris Salleh last week at the defamation trial of PKR leader Chong Eng Leong.

Harris is suing Chong for RM50 million for accusing him of being involved in Project IC. The trial took place from June 19 to 21 and will continue on July 3.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

142. Appeal to YDP Agong on GE13

Appeal to YDP Agong on GE13

From:  Joshua Y. C. Kong, P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 088 247823

DYMM YDP Agong                                                              24th June,, 2013
Istana Negara,  Kuala Lumpur.

Greetings from Sabah, Daulat Tuanku.
Ampun Tuanku,
This appeal is to the DYMM YDP Agong only, thank you.

Re: General Elections 2013 and formation of Government

As a whistleblow for the nation especially for Sabah, I have a burden for all after the General elections 2013 had been fixed yet again by the Election Commission Malaysia (ECM) as in GE2004 and GE2008.  The evidence of the rigged GE13 is everywhere and also in the many Courts cases now filed.
2.         Just to mention to you Ampun Tuanku, I am to list three very important items to confirm the rigged GE13 known to the Election Commission Malaysia as follows:-
2.1.  The official main Gazette of 22nd May, 2013 together with the subsequent -corrigendum - Gazette of 31st May, 2013 confirm the GE13 as null, void and illegal as the Form 16 cannot be amended by anyone.  The official main Gazette did not comply with the Form 16 as there was a missing item like the ‘referee’ not playing by own rules.

2.2.  The indelible ink was easily washed within minutes meaning ECM designed it for cheating.

2.3.  The ECM only demanded the aggrieved parties to lodge Police Reports and nothing is followed up by ECM or the relevant authorities such as the PDRM, MACC, Judiciary have failed the nation.

3.         To speak a simple language - the ECM is caught again with pent down in cheating.

4.         So Ampun Tuanku, please do the following immediately -
4.1.      As ECM is appointed by you, ECM’s Commissioners should be removed and replaced with new independent commissioners.
4.2       Suspend the present illegitimate Government and instal an Interim Good Governance Government (IGGG)..

Yang benar,

Joshua Y. C. Kong

Saturday, June 22, 2013

141. Yong: MyKad meaningless if foreigners can acquire it easily

Yong: MyKad meaningless if foreigners can acquire it easily
Published on: Friday, June 21, 2013

Kota Kinabalu: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee said the Mykad currently is meaningless to Sabahans because any Filipino, Indonesian and Pakistani can possess the document by buying it.
Hence, there was a need to introduce a Sabah IC so that "while the Malaysian Government is free to make any foreigner a Malaysian, it will not make these people Sabahan."
Waving his Mykad, which he said does not even have a "H" as Sabahans are entitled to, he recalled an occasion when he was detained for half an hour at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport by a young Immigration officer who apparently did not know that he happened to be a former Chief Minister while others.
In this context, he claimed it is a breach of the Malaysia Agreement 1963, Clause VIII, for the Federal Government to grant Sabahan status to foreigners through the issuance of Mykads.
"The Federal Government can award citizenship to any number of foreigners as it is within their power. But it has no power to grant citizenship to foreigners and make them Sabahans by issuing the '12' digit in the MyKad.
"Only Sabah has the power to grant Sabahan status to other Malaysians.
Hence, it is unfair for illegal immigrants to get Malaysian ICs with the '12' digit when they are not born in Sabah and given the MyKad as well as citizenship."
He said these foreigners might be Malaysians but they are definitely not Sabahans. "A Pakistani claimed he was born in Kg Bambangan and other villages in Kota Marudu and obtained the MyKad with the '12 digit'," he said.
Another famous case, Yong cited was how an illegal stated that he was born in Kg BDC in Sandakan in 1970s, when no such village existed at that time.
Yong, who is Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) President said issuing Sabah ICs to genuine Malaysians born in Sabah is workable to differentiate between locals and foreigners as well as stopping them from easily obtaining citizenship as well as privileges that should be entitled to Sabahans.
Responding to Datuk Stephen Foo from SLA, he said the proposed Sabah IC is not a new citizenship document as it is for use in Sabah and that the genuine Sabahans will be able to enjoy scholarships, lands and other benefits meant for them.
"There is an urgent need to implement such a move as the issuance of Malaysian ICs to illegals has reached the 'I.C.U' (alarming) stage.
"The Federal Government seems not serious in tackling this perennial issue. "In fact, the Federal Government had not responded to the party's two memorandums in 1999 and 2006 explaining the magnitude of the problem and recommended actions to resolve it.
"If they really want to solve it, it can be done because if there is political will, more creative solutions can be formulated," he said when testifying as the 129th witness at the hearing of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the huge presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah, here, Thursday.
Yong who was Chief Minister from 1996 to 1998 said the idea of issuing Sabah ICs came up even before the setting up of RCI when Sabahans had lost hope in the Federal Government to solve the problem.
"If the Federal Government is not keen to solve the perennial problem, then we (Sabah) should help ourselves by practicing self-help and use our mechanism to produce the Sabah ICs and enforce the Malaysia Agreement 1963.
"Sabah through its State Legislative Assembly can pass a new ordinance that can be called Malaysian Registration Ordinance for this purpose and create a State National Registration Department to handle the issuance," he said.
Under the proposed ordinance, Yong explained genuine Sabahans are those persons and their descendants who were in Sabah (North Borneo) on August 31, 1963 and became automatic citizens under the terms of the Malaysia Agreement.
He said the Sabah ICs could also be issued to Sabahans who are staying outside the State like in Kuala Lumpur.
"Let the law take its course but the law must be enforced. If this proposal is to be implemented, then the first three years can focus on issuing the Sabah ICs to genuine Malaysians in Sabah.
"Subsequently, we can look at other Malaysians from the peninsula and Sarawak who have migrated to Sabah and have good records like having no criminal records, can be eligible to apply.
"In addition, foreigners who have been in Sabah for number of years and possessing proper documents as well as good records can also be considered to apply for the Sabah ICs by giving the '71' digit," Yong said.
To a question by Datuk John Sikayun who is holding a watching brief for the Sabah Law Association, Yong reiterated that immigration and land are State matters under the Malaysian Agreement, and thus foreigners can be Malaysians but not Sabahans.

Friday, June 21, 2013

140. Home Ministry blocked Project IC probe, RCI hears

Home Ministry blocked Project IC probe, RCI hears,+RCI+hears

SABAH RCI The Home Ministry ordered its officers not to testify before the parliamentary select committee on integrity that first investigated allegations of immigrants illegally granted citizenship in Sabah, Upko president Bernard Giluk Dompok said.

NONEBernard (right), who was chairperson of the select committee in 2006, told the royal commission of inquiry on immigrants in Sabah today that the ministry had written a letter to him informing him of this decision.

"I received a letter from the Home Ministry secretary-general at that time. He said in no uncertain terms that the officers from his ministry and departments will not be appearing anymore before the PSC," he testified before the RCI at the Kota Kinabalu court complex today.
The Home Minister at that time was Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad.
Project IC is the broad name given to a series of covert operations involving government officers granting citizenship to immigrants in Sabah in exchange for votes for the BN.

Bernard, who was former MP for Penampang, said the Home Ministry officers had initially testified before the PSC, until they were instructed to do otherwise.

"That was the end of the interviews with the officers concerned. I felt then that there was a lot of reluctance from them, and I could not get further evidence.

"I felt therefore there was hardly any point for me to continue on to be PSC chairperson," he said, adding that he then resigned from the position.

The PSC members themselves were not satisfied with the answers that they were getting, Bernard added.

Officers may have been reluctant to testify

The Home Ministry officers may have been reluctant to testify before the bi-partisan committee also because was a cabinet minister then and was seen as being part of the government.

Bernard also said that criticism of the Election Commission on the integrity of the electoral roll should also be addressed.

Those responsible for illegally giving out citizenships should be charged with treason.

Between 1995 and 1996, several individuals, including government officers, were arrested in connection with the illegal issue of blue ICs and detained without trial under the Internal Security Act. They have since been released.

He also suggested the creation of a force, similar to Rela, to defend Sabah's borders from the continued influx of illegal immigrants.

"Sabahans have been too relaxed. It is about time that they defend their state. There should be some form of militarisation of Sabah," Bernard said.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

139. How would Sabah IC be operated when Federal authority would not recognise it?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sabah RCI: Yong & Eric testifies on illegals

Yong: 'Putrajaya can keep the illegals in its own backyard'

KOTA KINABALU - If Putrajaya adamantly refuses to act against immigrants illegally granted citizenship in Sabah, it can keep them in peninsular Malaysia, where the federal government is based, says SAPP president Yong Teck Lee.

Testifying at the royal commission of inquiry on immigrants in Sabah, Yong (right) said this could be done with a Sabah identity card (IC) to identify genuine Sabahans.

"If the federal government insists the illegal immigrants are citizens, so be it. They can stay in the peninsula and be subjected to the laws there.

"If you want to come in to Sabah, you must prove that you are Sabahan (with a Sabah IC)," Yong said.

Ex-MP: Filipino immigrant stole my father's name

Former Sepanggar MP Eric Enchin Majimbun today told the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants in Sabah, that a Filipino immigrant had stolen his father's name.

"A construction worker had entered Sabah using a passport, but I was later informed that the Filipino was using my father's name.

"In 2007, I wrote to the Special Branch  asking for action to be taken and the special branch later sent me a copy of the man's identity card," he testified at the Kota Kinabalu High Court complex this morning.

To his surprise, Eric (right) said that the man's identity card had stated his name to be ‘Jerome Majimbun', and yet no action was taken by the authorities.

When informed by conducting officer Azmi Ariffin that the RCI investigator had run a check with the National Registration Department (NRD) and the identity card was found to be false, Eric appeared to lose his patience.

"If it was fake, then why was there no reply to my letter of complaint and why no action was taken againt the man who held the identity card? Is this how Sabahans are treated?" he asked.

It is noted that the Majimbun family is a well-known and respected name in Sabah.

Nigel Aw

138. Filipino immigrant made Umno branch secretary, Sabah RCI told


Filipino immigrant made Umno branch secretary, Sabah RCI told
By Mohd Farhan Darwis
June 20, 2013
Filipino immigrant Shukor Abdullah became an Umno branch secretary after being made a citizen using a Kudat address as his birthplace, he
told the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Sabah illegal immigrants today.

Shukor told the inquiry in Kota Kinabalu that he was the secretary of the Umno Kampung Tanjing Kapor branch and has voted in the general

"I had applied for a green identity card, didn't get it, then I applied for a blue identity card and got it," he told the inquiry, referring to a temporary card and the full citizenship (IC) card.

Shukor, the 132nd witness in the RCI, said he came to Sabah on a boat to escape the war in his country in 1967. Some 15 years later, he built his house in Sabah.

He applied for the identity card using a letter from the village chief, and was forced to use Kudat as his place of birth. "I got the IC less than a year later," he said.

When asked why he carried on with his application when he knew it was against the law, Shukor, 53, said he was adamant in staying in Sabah.

"I knew if I did not list Kudat as my birth place, I would not get the IC," said Shukor who is married to a Filipina. They have two sons.

He added that as long as he had the IC, he never missed voting in the elections.

Almost 28 per cent of the people in Sabah are foreigners with most of them the Philippines and Indonesia.- June 20, 2013.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

137. 'Immigrants determine election outcome in Sabah'

June, 19, 2013 - 8:18 pm

Sabah RCI: ‘Immigrants determine election outcome’

TIME TO GO: Bumburing attended State Assembly this morning and later rushed off for his appointment with the Sabah RCI. – Borneo Insider photo by Edward James
TIME TO GO: Bumburing attended State Assembly this morning and later rushed off for his appointment with the Sabah RCI. – Borneo Insider photo by Edward James
KOTA KINABALU: The illegal granting of citizenship to massive numbers of foreigners in Sabah has enabled immigrants to determine the nature of the state politics, veteran Sabah politician Wilfred Bumburing said today.
“If you look at the statistical election results in certain constituencies, the presence of illegal immigrants determines the outcome of the election,” Wilfred told the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) into immigrants in Sabah in Kota Kinabalu today.
Wilfred (photo), who is also Tamparuli assemblyperson, said one example could be discerned in the parliamentary constituency of Batu Sapi.
“It is very clear there that the immigrants there have overwhelmed the local voters,” he said.
Wilfred, who has been in politics since 1985, said in the past, Muslim bumiputera and non-Muslim bumiputera in Sabah were in equal numbers.
However, this balance has been tilted through the illegal granting of citizenship status to Muslim immigrants.
“Last time the proportion in the state assembly was 20 non-Muslim bumiputera, 20 Muslim bumiputera and eight Chinese.
“Now, it has become 18 non-Muslim bumiputera, 34 Muslim bumiputera and eight Chinese seats,” said the former BN politician who is now pro-Pakatan Rakyat.
Wilfred said he had raised this matter when he was the BN’s Tuaran MP, but was brushed off by the Home Ministry.
‘Government knows the ICs given illegally’
Steve Shim (right) with Commissioner Henry Chin.
Steve Shim (right) with Commissioner Henry Chin.
He then echoed calls from the Sabah-based BN parties, such as PBS and Upko, for all identity cards issued in the state to be revoked and reissued.
However, when pressed by Steve Shim, the former chief judge of Sabah and Sarawak who heads the RCI, on a mechanism for such a move, Wilfred insisted that it was the government that had the answer.
“The government knows which identity cards were given illegally.
“If the commission can compel the government to reveal them, then a large part of it is solved,” Wilfred said.
However, this did not mean that non-citizens who had stayed in Sabah for decades were to be expelled, he said, adding that they should be given permanent residency while their status was sorted out on a case-by-case basis.
He also submitted a memorandum containing research and evidence on the alleged illegal granting of citizenship to the RCI.
Wilfred, who was Upko deputy president and Tuaran MP, quit Upko last year and gave his backing to Pakatan Rakyat.
He failed to defend his Tuaran seat in last month’s general election but won the state seat of Tamparuli.
’140k squatters in Sabah’

Also taking the stand today was Sabah Local Government and Housing Ministry Planning and Coordination Unit assistant secretary Hadzlan Jablee.
He testified that of February this year, there were a total of 140,499 squatters across Sabah in 35,957 illegal houses.
“The data is 90 per cent complete with the exception of seven districts which did not submit data but they have few or no squatter areas,” he said.
Hadzlan conceded that the squatter was a magnet for illegal immigrants but said there is a plan to clear the squatters and relocate Malaysian citizens there into public housings.
“But for the non-citizens there we will leave it to other agencies,” he said.
A total of 10 witnesses testified at the RCI today and a total of 128 people have taken the stand since hearings began in January.

Related stories:

136. code 71

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sabah RCI: Suluk leader claims PKR rep an Indonesian immigrant

An argument broke out at the hearing of the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants in Sabah today as a Suluk community leader repeatedly insisted that an opposition state assemblyperson was born in Indonesia.

Mohd Zaki Harry Susanto claimed that although PKR’s Christina Liew (left) was born in Indonesia, she managed to go on to become the Api-Api assemblyperson.

"I got this information from the Indonesians in Tawau, they confirmed that she is Chinese Indonesian, but went on to become a leader of the opposition.

"I brought this up because people only target the Bajaus and Suluks when it comes to the RCI... Don't only target one or two ethnic groups," he said.

At this, one of the RCI's commissioner Henry Chin said he was certain that Liew was born in Tawau, Sabah as he was the OCPD of that district at that time.

"Liew's parents were from Hong Kong and she was born in Tawau, and when they grew up she married an Indonesian.

"Your information is incorrect because I know her family when I served as OCPD of Tawau and I know she was born at Tawau hospital," he said.

Information 'hearsay'

However, Mohd Zaki was adamant that Liew was from Indonesia and had changed her name when she supposedly arrived from Indonesia.

"It could be that she was not born here but her birth certificate was done through late registration.

"I'm bringing this up because the people in Tawau told me," he said.

However, Chin stressed that he had to clarify the fact as Mohd Zaki's information was hearsay.

"You only heard about it, but you cannot verify that information," said Chin.

Liew was elected as Api-Api assemblyperson in last month’s general election and was chosen as the new opposition whip.

Mohd Zaki, who is former secretary-general of Persatuan Rumpun Etnik Suluk Sabah, was queried at the RCI on whether his organisation had helped Suluks in Sabah to illegally obtain citizenship.

However, Mohd Zaki who is also a former police officer, denied this, stating that all of its members were Malaysian citizens.

Nigel Aw

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

135. RCI on Sabah illegals: Problem lies with integrity of enforcers - UPKO

RCI on Sabah illegals: Problem lies with integrity of enforcers - UPKO < Prev  Next >
Posted By: Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:37 pm  |\

Updated: Tuesday June 18, 2013 MYT 6:52:06 PM

RCI on Sabah illegals: Problem lies with integrity of enforcers, says Upko

KOTA KINABALU: The lack of integrity shown by enforcement officers is among
the main contributors to the problem of illegal foreigners in Sabah, said
United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (UPKO) secretary general
Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau.

He told the Commission of Inquiry on the illegals in the state that from
information he gained during his tenure at the Institute of Development
Studies in the 1980s, it was clear that integrity among enforcement
personnel on the ground was lacking.

"Thus the problem has to be resolved by resetting the whole system,
recalling all documents from the people in Sabah," he said.

"The lack of integrity results in this never-ending problem and even with
coming up with 'methods' to resolve it, it is still there because there is
no integrity (for example) in the National Registration Department and
Immigration Department," he added.

Wilfred said the party's president, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, would give a
more detailed suggestion on how to "reset" the system, and how to recall and
re-issue identity cards to genuine Sabahans.

Earlier, Wilfred quoted excerpts from the book 'The Harris Salleh of Sabah'
and what he (Harris) said about how the government was keeping an eye on PBS
and will do everything to ensure the rights of the Muslims were protected.

As to the truth of the statement, which was made around 1987, he said it was
up to the authorities to find out and let the people know.

"Apart from that, there was a man, Hassnar Ibrahim, who said he knew what
happened during the issuance of ICs as he was directly involved in it and he
could name names," Wilfred said.

"I think Hassnar should be called in as a witness in this inquiry as he is
the key witness to what this thing is all about," he said.

Wilfred said he was never satisfied with the explanation given on how the
population of Sabah jumped so drastically, especially in the 80s and 90s,
and would continue to ask for a satisfying respond as long as it takes.

"This issue had been brought up in Parliament many times and in 2006, I
proposed for a Commission of Inquiry to probe into it but was rejected," he

"Explanation such as 'Sabahans are fertile' and 'villagers in the interiors
gradually gained access to information and infrastructure and could come out
of their village to vote or register as voters', are not acceptable," he

Immigrants' willingness to pay more led to IC forgery syndicates
- Sabah RCI told
Tuesday, 18 June 2013 08:46

llegal immigrants' willingness to pay any amount to obtain a Malaysian
identity card (IC) led to the existence of IC forgery syndicates in Sabah,
the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the problem of illegal
immigrants in Sabah was told today.

University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) senior lecturer of social sciences Dr Dayang
Suria Mulia said obtaining an IC was the immigrants strategy for survival in
Sabah and they were willing to pay a large sum for it.

"They feel that having a Malaysian IC could facilitate them here as there
are a lot of advantages of having an IC," she said.

Dayang Suria also said the immigrants had relatives in Sabah which made it
easier for them to make the transition here.

She explained these relatives would help mitigate their security when
entering the state through illegal channels.

Dayang Suria also found in her study on undocumented immigrants in 1999 that
there were those who felt being undocumented allowed them the flexibility to
change jobs.

She said if a foreign worker had a permit to work in the plantation sector,
if he were to change to a different sector, he would have to register for a
new work permit.

"What I found interesting (in the study), no matter how stringent the law
was on them, there were those who were not worried, there were those who
were not afraid (of the law). Some preferred to be undocumented," she said.

Dayang Suria also pointed out that industries in Sabah, particularly in the
plantation and manufacturing sectors, depended highly on the supply of
foreign workers.

She explained that due to the fact that the locals were not willing to
venture into doing hard labour, employers resorted to outsourcing agencies
in order to meet their demands.

Asked by conducting officer Datuk Azmi Ariffin if the industries would be
paralysed without the support of foreign workers, Dayang Suria said the
industries would be weakened rather than paralysed because it would affect

Meanwhile, Sabah Indian Muslim Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DPPIMS)
member Mohd Ansar Maidin denied allegations by a blog last year that DPPIMS
was involved in obtaining Malaysian citizenship for illegal immigrants.

He said DPPIMS members made arrangements to obtain work permits for their
foreign workers, but not assist them obtain citizenship.

The inquiry is led by former chief judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve
Shim Lip Kiong. Also on the panel are former UMS vice chancellor Datuk Dr
Kamaruzzaman Ampon, former Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Henry Chin Poy
Wu, former Sabah state secretary Datuk KY Mustapha and former deputy chief
minister and former Sabah deputy chief minister Tan Sri Herman J Luping, who
was also former state attorney-general.

The inquiry resumes tomorrow afternoon. - Bernama

Ex-CM admitted KL can alter Sabah demography, RCI told
Nigel Aw 5:31PM Jun 18, 2013 [extract]

SABAH RCI Former Sabah chief minister Harris Salleh once admitted that the
federal government was capable of altering Sabah's demography in its favour
if the then PBS-led state government did not toe its line.

Harris made this admission in a 1986 book titled 'Harris Salleh of Sabah'
written by Paul Raffaele, Upko secretary-general Wilfred Madius Tangau told
the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants in Sabah in Kota
Kinabalu today.

Reading from the book, which is no longer published locally, Wilfred quoted
Harris as saying that Kuala Lumpur would ensure the rights of Malays
in Sabah were protected and would intervene if the PBS-led government took
matters into its own hands.

"The federal government can register any of the refugees in three hours,
three days, three months or three years.

"There is no law stating the time and if the federal government wanted to
alter forever the voting patterns of Sabah, then it can do as easily as
assigning the papers.

"Already in Kudat, a PBS area now, over 3,000 Filipinos have their ICs and
when they are registered to vote, the assembly seat will be Usno's for the
rest of this century at least.

"The same pattern could be repeated all over Sabah so that the Kadazans
become a small minority," Wilfred quoted Harris as saying in the book.

PBS, perceived as a non-Muslim bumiputera party, came to power in 1985 after
it broke away from the ruling incumbent Berjaya, a BN component party.

Berjaya merged with Usno in 1990 to form Sabah Umno and as part of the BN
coalition in the state, it toppled the PBS-led state government in 1994
through defections, after PBS narrowly won in the state election that year.

Gov't answers on population boom 'unsatisfactory' - UPKO

Water Villages Seen As High Risk For Security Threats, RCI Told

KOTA KINABALU, June 18 (Bernama) -- Water villages in Sabah, especially
in the east coast of the state, were seen as high risk areas for security
threats, the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the problem of
illegal immigrants in Sabah was told Tuesday.

University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) senior lecturer of social sciences Wan
Shabaruddin Wan Hassan said a study done from 2002 till 2005 on impacts on
security due to the presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah found those
immigrants, especially from southern Philippines, preferred to settle at
water villages as was the norm in their native country.

"In our observation, water villages are seen as dangerous as these villages
have become nests for illegal activities, including arms smuggling which
police say was not unusual.

"During our visit to a water village in Lahad Datu, we also came across
circulation of counterfeit money in Malaysian Ringgit which was widely used
there," he said.

Wan Shabaruddin, who teaches foreign policies, said petty crimes such as
thievery was common at the water villages as in the southern Philippines, it
was believed anything one owned also belonged to another.

He suggested that the government monitor and register residents at all water
villages rather than tearing the villages down as Malaysian citizens also
resided there.

Tuaran Member of Parliament Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau told the inquiry
that there was a need to review the issuance of identity cards (IC) in

Madius, who is also United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation
(UPKO) Secretary-General, suggested the recalling of ICs in Sabah and
reissue to those with birth certificates in order to identify those who were
genuine Malaysian citizens.

The inquiry is led by former chief judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve
Shim Lip Kiong. Also on the panel are former UMS vice chancellor Datuk Dr
Kamaruzzaman Ampon, former Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Henry Chin Poy
Wu, former Sabah state secretary Datuk KY Mustapha and former deputy chief
minister Tan Sri Herman J Luping, who is also former state attorney-general.

The inquiry continues tomorrow. -- BERNAMA

'Threats from water villages before massacre of cops'

Sabah state assembly: Sulu incursion nothing to do with sultanate claim,
says Musa\

Monday, June 17, 2013


What has anything to do on the RCI and the Invasion at Tanduoa?  So they are linked!!!!  Joshua
Written by Admin   
Monday, 17 June 2013 20:50     

KOTA KINABALU: The Semporna Municipal Council faced threats from the water villages under its jurisdiction, including Kampung Sri Jaya where six police officers were killed during the incursion by Sulu militants in March.

“We faced criminal threats,” Semporna municipal council assistant executive officer Mustapha Elias Sulai told the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants today.
Mustapha said that as of 2010, there were 33,983 people living in 18 such water villages.

Slightly more than half of the population, he said, comprised foreigners from the Philippines, while a number of them were from Indonesia.

The water villagesare made up of wooden houses built on stilts over water and the authorities have very little presence or control there.

Police entered Kampung Sri Jaya and Kampung Siminul during the beginning of the Sulu incursion, which was launched from the Philippines, and were ambushed, resulting in the death of six of their men.

Mustapha admitted that the local authorities had not taken any step to demolish the water villages but added that in light of the massacre, there were now plans to relocate the villages.

“They villages are also an eyesore and there are issues of diseases,” he said.

Also taking the stand was 48-year-old Said Daud, a Bajau who possessed IMM13, a document for refugees from the Philippines.

‘We’re angry about Sulu incursion’

Said who is a village chief in Kiam Sam, Labuan said a majority of his village comprised of Bajau and Sulu immigrants.

Asked about sentiments about the Sulu in his village, in relation to the recent incursion, Said, who came to Sabah from the Philippines in 1980, said his people were angry about it.

“We in Labuan do not support the incursion, we are angry with them.

“We have lived a good life here for a long time, our children go to school and some are even working for the government.

“We live a good life because of the Malaysian government, we will not support them (intruders),” he said.

A total of nine witnesses took the stand at the fifth RCI hearing in Kota Kinabalu today. So far 116 witnesses have testified since the hearing commenced in January. (BI)

133. Indian immigrant becomes Rela member, received BR1M, RCI told

Indian immigrant becomes Rela member, received BR1M, RCI told
By Mohd Farhan Darwis
An Indian immigrant, Peer Mohamad Kadir, told the Royal Commission of Inquiry today that it took him only two years to obtain a local identification card (IC) after arriving in Malaysia in 1984.
Aged 24 then, Peer told the inquiry, specially convened to examine the issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah, that after having failed twice in his quest to obtain an IC, he finally got one in 1986 with the help of his uncle, after applying at the National Registration Department (NRD) in Kota Marudu, Sabah.
Peer, who is also an Ikatan Relawan Rakyat Malaysia (Rela) member, said that he had also voted in five general elections, including several by-elections and is also a recipient of the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) of RM500.
"I was given a form but I did not know how to fill it... it was all done by my uncle," Chennai-born Peer, 54, testified when questioned by an RCI officer at the Kota Kinabalu High Court in the Sabah state capital.
"I was ordered to pay stamp duty of RM20. I have all the declaration letters... my uncle handled it all," said Peer, who also does not possess a birth certificate and nor has his parents' details registered in the NRD database.
When questioned by RCI officer Jamil Aripin that his (Peer's) original place of birth and that which is printed on his IC differs, the former public relations officer with the Sabah Indian Muslim Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DPPIMS) said he was unaware of the matter and did not realise that he had obtained his IC illegally .
"Do you agree that your IC was obtained through illegal means?" Jamil questioned.
"I am unable to answer that," replied Peer, who had also cast his vote in the 2013 Likas by-election.
Peer was the ninth and final witness for the day. Since the RCI commenced in January, 116 witnesses have given statements with regards to the issuing of ICs to illegal immigrants in Sabah in the 1980s. - June 17, 2013.

132. 'Illegal immigrants obtained M'sian papers in Philippines'

'Illegal immigrants obtained M'sian papers in Philippines'

SABAH RCI The royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants in Sabah today heard that illegal immigrants had been able to obtain Malaysian documentation even while they were in the Philippines.
Macarius Sabinus - a field officer tasked with registering illegal immigrants in Sabah and issuing temporary receipts ( kad burung-burung ) to them - discovered they had obtained the document in Bongoa, Tawi-Tawi, even before he had registered them.
"When they came for registration, they already had the kad burung-burung in their hand, saying that they got them from somebody in Bongoa.
"But the receipt's had a different serial number and the Chief Minister's Department's (JKM) stamp is different from ours," said Macarius, who is a researcher with think-tank Institute for Development Studies (Sabah) or IDS, under the state JKM.
IDS - formerly known as Institute for Public Policy Analysis (IPPA) - had been tasked with a large scale registration of illegal immigrants in Sabah from 1986 to 1988.
The project aimed to identify and find out the total number of illegal immigrants in Sabah, said Macarius.
The kad burung-burung acted as a receipt to acknowledge that the illegal immigrants had been registered, but is not considered as an identification document.
'Illegal immigrants had blue ICs'
During that time, Macarius said, some of the illegal immigrants who came forward to register already had blue identity cards or National Registration Department (NRD) receipts, a document issued prior to a blue identity card and carries the same status of that of a citizen.
"We were instructed to register them as long as they did not have valid blue identity cards.
"We still registered them (as illegal immigrants) because they claimed that they got the (identity) card from somewhere else and not from the NRD," he added.
Macarius - who is part of 12 teams consisting of 12-13 personnel each, in conducting the survey - stressed that they had alerted the special branch and the JKM about the matter, but that they did not go beyond their authority of registering the illegal immigrants.
In one instance, Macarius said one of the person who wanted to register bore a blue identity card even though he did not appear to be a citizen.
"He did not sound like a Malaysian, he could only speak Suluk and (fortunately,) I can also converse in Suluk," he said.
Conducting officer Manoj Kurup - who questioned Macarius - noted that syndicates tend to forge on any forms of documentation issued by the government for immigrants, for profit.
Macarius is the 109th witnesses to testify at the RCI which first began its first hearing in January and is being presided by former Chief Judge of Borneo Steve Shim.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

131. Why this prior to completion of RCI?

why this now?  Joshua

‘Status’ for stateless in Sabah

by Sandra Sokial. Posted on June 12, 2013, Wednesday
KOTA KINABALU: The stateless in Sabah will be given a ‘status’ finally to avoid social complications in the future.
Deputy Home Minister Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, who disclosed this yesterday, said that it would also ensure that these people are in the system should they get involved in crime activities.
“We are doing this on humanitarian grounds because they too deserve a certain status.
“For instance, a six-year-old today will be 20 in the next 14 years. What will happen to them if they do not possess birth certificate, identity card (IC) or any kind of documentations? We cannot send them to their countries of origin because they were born and grew up here … they cannot stay stateless.
“We have to realise this now, otherwise it will be a social problem in the future. They deserve to be given some kind of documentation and a status,” Wan Junaidi told reporters after a courtesy visit to Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman at the Sri Gaya here yesterday.
He said that all babies borne in Malaysia are eligible for a birth certificate, but stressed that it does not automatically award one the Malaysian citizenship.
“We will divide them into two categories – citizen and non-citizen. Their status, whether they will be awarded citizenship or not, will be determined later (when they apply for the ICs),” he said.
The IC is divided into three colours, namely MyKad for citizens, and red and green. Red IC holders are non-Malaysian permanent residents, while green IC holders are non-Malaysian temporary residents.
“On whether the red and green IC holders will be given the Malaysian citizenship will only be determined when we reach the bridge and cross it. They will have to meet certain criteria such as having a clean backgrounds, avoid involving in crime and have shown their loyalty to the country,” said Wan Junaidi.
He added the stateless people problem happens everywhere in Malaysia, adding that in fact, it is also a global issue.
“This is a global phenomenon and not restricted to Sabah alone. If a country continues to be prosperous with good social conditions, people from neighbouring countries will definitely flood our country,” he said, giving examples, such as the Mexicans who seek greener pastures in California, USA.
Meanwhile, Sabah National Registration Department director Ismail Ahmad disclosed that there are three types of birth certificates which would be divided into two colours, namely green for citizens and red for non-citizens and queue (for those with pending status).
Also present at the courtesy call was NRD director-general Datuk Jariah Mohd Said.