EC deletes Papagomo’s phantom record
The fact that pro-Umno blogger Papagomo’s alleged double voter record has been deleted vindicates PKR’s claim that he is a “phantom voter”, said strategy director Rafizi Ramli.
Yesterday Rafizi alleged that Papagomo is registered in both Ampang, Selangor and Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur using the latter’s civilian and police ICs numbers respectively.
Wan Muhammad was a former police officer who was suspended from duty and convicted of corruption, and the decision was upheld by the Court of Appeal last year.
Rafizi’s earlier check with the online database with the blogger’s IC numbers gleaned from various official documents, showed his name registered in two constituencies, one as Wan Muhammad and the other Wan Muhd, both with differing birth dates.
However, Rafizi maintains that it can be corroborated that the two belong to the same individual.
‘How many double voters?’
Meanwhile, Rafizi welcomed EC chief Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof’s admission today in the media that there is a “small number of double registrations” but demanded a more “convincing” reply on how to tackle the problem.
“It is as if he is trying to blame the police force when the responsibility of ensuring a clean electoral roll is his alone,” said Rafizi (left).
He suggested the EC personnel “sit with the PDRM every day to scrutinise the record of every voter registered under their police or army ICs”.
“A complete list of former security forces personnel who have duplicate voter registrations must be prepared as soon as possible, and their numbers be disclosed to the public and immediately deleted from the roll,” he added.
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