Friday, July 26, 2013

161. 38%


by Murib Morp. Posted on July 26, 2013, Friday
KOTA KINABALU: The presence of a huge number of immigrants in Sandakan would have a significant impact on the development plans in the district, especially on the provisions of public utilities and infrastructures.
Sandakan Municipal Council’s (MPS) president Datuk James Wong, told the Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants here that there were more than 170,000 foreigners in the district, many of whom are without proper documents.
Testifying at the public inquiry yesterday, Wong said the figure represented about 38 per cent of the total population of the 875 square miles district, which is depending mostly on agriculture and tourism.
“Almost 40 percent of the people in Sandakan are foreigners, both legal and illegal immigrants. This is a huge number and it more or less affect the planning of development in the area,” he said.
He noted that the earliest settlers in Sandakan were the Orang Sungai and Suluks as well as the Chinese, who came in from Hong Kong later during the Second World War era.
Today, however, a wide range of races and ethnics, including immigrants from various countries, make up the population of Sandakan.
He informed that many immigrants from the neighbouring countries, especially the Philippines, were still coming in to Sandakan illegally through the many back doors along the district’s coastlines.
He said immigrants sneak into Sandakan from the Philippines using at least 32 “jalan tikus” (secret routes), attracted by the promise of economic opportunities and employment in agriculture and construction sector.
“They cause many problems. They build squatter colonies and therefore contribute to uncleanliness and untreated sewerage issue, water and electricity theft.
“They are also involved in criminal activities and pose security threats. Many of them also conduct business without permits, selling products including illegal items along the walk path in town area and other places.
“Some of them are also involved in smuggling, even poaching of turtle eggs. This has been a serious problem that has been discussed by the enforcement agencies for many years,” he said.
Wong said the municipal council has been actively taking action to curb the most prominent problem related to the immigrants, namely their tendency to seek shelter in squatter colonies.
He said MPS enforcement personnel, assisted by enforcement officers from other agencies, from time to time raid and demolish illegal structures built by the immigrants.
He informed that there were 41 squatter colonies left in Sandakan, after MPS demolished the entire houses in two colonies. In total, over 4,800 houses has been demolished by MPS between 2005 and May this year.
A recent census conducted under the Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCOMM) initiative found that there were 7,620 houses in the remaining colonies.
More than half or 3,936 of these houses belong to immigrants, involving 20,050 occupants.
Wong proposed that there should a clear-cut policy and well-planned action for dealing with squatter colonies that cover various agencies.
He noted that problems usually arise when squatters build their houses on different lands such as river riparian reserve, state land and so on that falls under the jurisdiction of different agencies.
Wong was the last witness for the session which ended yesterday. The inquiry has heard testimonies from 197 individuals so far and is expected to call in at least 10 more witnesses when it resumes its hearing on August 15.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

160.'PBS shown Umno forms as part of dubious IC give-out'

'PBS shown Umno forms as part of dubious IC give-out'

SABAH RCI Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) officials were shown Umno application forms by sources who claimed that the forms were part of the clandestine mass issuance of illegal identity cards.
PBS vice-president Radin Malleh ( right ) testified to the royal commission of inquiry on illegal immigrants in Sabah that he had himself seen those forms, which included a photograph and a thumbprint of the applicant.
He said the informant, who he met sometime between 1994 and 1999, also showed him Persatuan Bugis forms, which were allegedly used for the same purpose.
"The informant showed me forms with pictures and thumbprints, and I assumed it was true, that they used the picture and thumprint to make blue ICs," Radin said.
However, to a question from Sabah Law Association representative Yunof Maringking, Radin said he was "not implicating Umno or Persatuan Bugis" in the illegal mass issuance of blue ICs.
"I just saw the forms said to be used to give pictures and thumbprints. I'm not sure if they were used to get the ICs, but according to that source, they were," he said.
Radin said his sources claimed that the move was part of one 'Ops Gembleng' that involved a group of National Registration Department (NRD) officers who were placed at "specific districts" for the purpose of issuing ICs illegally.
'Declarations backdated'
He testified that Ops Gembleng was also involved the backdating of false declarations ( sijil akuan ) declaring foreigners as Sabah-born for the purpose of issuing the illegal ICs.
"Some say they are born in Tenom or in Rundum, when these people probably have never been to Rundum, and these declarations were backdated to 1987 to obtain ICs," he said.
Radin, who was then PBS secretary-general, said he had also received a letter via post, which included 12 fake ICs and a list of NRD officers said to be involved in Ops Gembleng.
"(The list) was real. Between 1995 and 1996, those with the names listed (in the letter) were arrested by the police and detained under the Internal Security Act," he said.
To a question from conducting officer Jamil Aripin, Radin, who is now Sabah Rural Development Minister, admitted that he could not verify the information he received but believes that the sources are genuine.
"One of them was a medical doctor from Kampung Air... He is a Sabahan Indian. He told me of a Muslim Indian national who received an IC within a few days of arriving.
"He convulsed into tears when he told me. I asked him why, since that person is his Indian brother, but he said: "But I am Sabahan and he is depriving me of my opportunities," Radin said, and he urged the RCI to call the doctor as a witness.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

159. good to expose the very big CRIMINAL

Sabah CM denies claims linking him to Task Force Project IC via proxy

by Murib Morpi. Posted on July 24, 2013, Wednesday

KOTA KINABALU: The Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants in Sabah yesterday heard a deposition that Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman has denied all allegations linking him to Project IC made by a witness in its proceeding last week.
Former State Attorney General, Datuk Anthony Roderick Fernandez, appeared before the commission and informed the five-men panel that he was representing Musa to file an application for notes of proceeding pertaining to the allegation.
“A witness, Dr Chong Eng Leong, has made some serious allegations against the Chief Minister. I would like for it to be noted that my client denies every allegation on his involvement in Project IC,” he said.
Fernandez also told the Commission that Musa will decide on his next course of action after reading the extract and may elect to appear before the panel to give his own testimony.
Dr Chong, a former senator and state assemblyman, testified last week that Musa had led a Sabah Umno task force to find foreigners to be registered as party members to vote for Barisan Nasional. He claimed to have received this information from one Jabar Khan, who was the secretary of the said task force formed in 1991.
Commission chairman Tan Sri Steve Shim, granted Fernandez’s application, saying the extract on the notes of proceeding will be given to be examined by the Chief Minister.
Meanwhile, conducting officer, Manoj Kurup, informed the panel that Dr Chong has made a request following his testimony last week to have a bundle of supporting documents submitted as evidence and examined by the Commission.
“We have looked through the bundles and decided that two of them, which contain a collection of newspaper cuttings and exhibits from the Likas election petition, were relevant and shall be marked as exhibits for this Inquiry,” said Manoj.
The Commission resumed its proceedings with three more witnesses called to testify yesterday, bringing the total to 192 so far.
At least six more witnesses are expected to be called in the next two days, including Melalap assemblyman cum Rural Development Minister Datuk Radin Malleh.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


sure the BIGGEST traitor/robber/land grabber /corrupted/ women grabber/ and you name it what else- in Sabah and gang of conmen.  Joshua

Musa Aman denies any role in 'Project IC'

SABAH RCI Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman has informed the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) into illegal immigrants in Sabah that he had no involvement in the so-called Project IC, as claimed by a witness last week.
"Last Thursday, Dr Chong Eng Leong made serious allegations linking my client to Project IC.
"I have been instructed to inform that he (Musa, right ) denies any involvement in the alleged Project IC," the chief minister's lawyer Roderic Fernandez told the RCI sitting in Kota Kinabalu today.
Fernandez, who is a former Sabah attroney-general, said Musa had also instructed him to hold a watching brief and to request for the notes of proceedings pertaining to the allegation by Chong.
Fernandez said Musa would decide his next course of action after he is able to peruse the notes of proceedings.
The application was granted by RCI chairperson Steve Shim, who instructed the RCI secretariat to extract portions pertaining to the allegation for Musa to make a decision on what he wanted to do.
'Musa chaired Umno task force to register foreigners'
Last week, Chong, a former Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) politician who authored a book on Project IC, testified that Musa chaired a task force back in 1991 that was designed to register foreigners as Umno members after giving them Malaysian citizenship.
"When Umno first entered Sabah, this task force was formed, and the chief was none other but Musa Aman himself," Chong had told the RCI.
Speaking to reporters later, DAP assemblyperson for Likas Junz Wong, who was in the public gallery, said it would be in the people's interest for Musa to testify before the RCI to clear his name.
"The RCI should decide (whether to call Musa as a witness or not but) he has a social and political responsibility to come clean," Wong said outside the Kota Kinabalu High Court complex, where the RCI is sitting.
Meanwhile, in his testimony today, 192nd witness Ismail Mohd Yakub from the Tawau Municipal Council said that 40 percent of Tawau residents are non-citizens.
Basing this on the council's 2010 census, he said the immigrants have good relations with Sabahans, as most of them have adopted the local lifestyle.
"That's why it's not a big problem that 41 percent of people in Tawau are non-citizens.
"Plus, the local culture is highly tolerant," he said.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

157. Musa is a traitor fit to be done with

Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:23

Musa Aman involved in 'Project IC', RCI told 


SABAH RCI Current Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman also allegedly had a hand in ‘Project IC’, the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) was told today.
Dr Chong Eng Leong, a former Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) politician who authored a book about Project IC, claimed that Musa chaired a task force back in 1991 which was designed to register foreigners as Umno members after giving them citizenship.
When Umno first entered Sabah, this task force was formed, and the chief was none other but Musa Aman himself,” Chong said during proceedings today.
Similar to a claim made by Sabah opposition politician Jeffrey Kitingan yesterday at the RCI, Chong also said that the project IC exercise was done in order to increase the Muslim population in Sabah.
“This has nothing to do with race or religion. This is pure politics,” he said, noting that a sharp increase in the Malay population is Sabah allowed Umno to take foothold of Sabah.
According to Chong, between 1970 and 2000, in a span of 30 years, the Malay population in Sabah saw a sharp growth rate of 1,552 percent.
This is almost 10 times the growth rate of the Kadasan, Dusun, and Murut native communities, and also significantly higher than the 344 percent growth posted by the Bajau community.
Chong said that this growth cannot be attributed to the rural Sabahans registering themselves late due to a previous lack of access to government offices.
“If that was true, why is there no sharp increase in the Kadazan, Dusun and Murut communities?” he asked.
“Why is the Malay population growing the highest?” he said.
He said that Umno had already “achieved its target” in boosting the population, because the state now has 33 Muslim-majority state seats, which is more than the number of Chinese majority and non-Muslim bumiputra majority seats.
- Malaysiakini


156. IC for voting only

Thursday, 18 July 2013 18:25

'Project IC' immigrants could only use IC for voting

SABAH RCI Some illegal immigrants have complained to the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) that the identity cards handed over to them could only be used for “voting alone”, the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) into immigrants in Sabah was told today.
Former Suhakam vice-chairperson Simon Sipaun told the commission that he had come across several such complaints from immigrants themselves.
“He (an immigrant) told me that the IC is useless beyond voting. It can only be used to vote. He can’t travel because the IC doesn’t get him past airport immigration,” he said.
He also said that Suhakam had received complaints from such immigrants, who said that while they managed to obtain citizenship documents, their children are not being given documents despite applying.
“They admitted to me that they were not born here and didn’t have documentation when they got their documents,” he said.
“They told me they got the IC from a certain project,” he added.
Similar to claims made by Sabah politicians this week - namely Jeffrey Kitingan and Dr Chong Eng Leong, Simon also held the opinion that the awarding of citizenship to immigrants was related to the government’s alleged intent to make Sabah “a Muslim state”.
“I got the impression that the federal government was uncomfortable with the fact that the state was being led by a non-Muslim,” he said.
He also said that if the government knows how to create the problem, it should also know how to “solve the problem”.
He warned that if the problem of immigrants becoming Sabahans is not addressed soon enough, “the future of Sabah will inevitably fall into their hands”.
“Eventually, they will infiltrate our politics and elect someone of their own kind. I hope this doesn’t happen,” he said.
Simon was also a former state secretary of Sabah between 1988 to 1993.
- Malaysiakini

Friday, July 12, 2013

154. RCI from 15th July

Sabah Illegal Immigrant RCI Proceedings To Resume July 15

KOTA KINABALU, July 12 (Bernama) -- The Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah will resume its proceedings in two sessions from July 15 to 19, and July 22 to 25.

RCI secretary Datuk Saripuddin Kasim said the proceedings would be resumed at the Federal Court here.

So far 171 witnesses have testified before the commission during eight sessions since January, he said in a statement here Friday.

Friday, July 5, 2013

153. No name in IC

IMAGINE! Forced to live as Mr 'No Name' for 40 years - Sabah RCI told

A man who was born in Tawau, Sabah, said he had lived with his name registered ‘No Name’ for almost 40 years, the royal commission of inquiry on immigrants in Sabah heard today.
Mahat Ismail, 65, said he has had to live with the name after an officer at the hospital where he was born filled in his name in his birth certificate as ‘No Name’.
“I asked my father, who was working at that hospital, why did my birth certificate say that I am ‘No Name’?
“He explained that on that day, he was busy working, running up and down at the hospital, so he forgot to register my name.
“So the registrar just filled in my name as ‘No Name’, and when my father collected the birth certificate he was surprised to find that my name was ‘No Name’,” Mahat testified at the Kota Kinabalu court complex, as those in the room burst into laughter.
As a result, Mahat said it was only until the 1980s that he was able to finally rectify his name to the one that he has been using.
Before this, political parties had raised questions over voters with 'no name' as their names, as to whether they were dubious voters.
Mahat said a letter acknowledging the correction was subsequently issued to him and he was finally able to apply for a passport.
‘Common happening’
At this, RCI commissioner Herman Luping concurred that is was a common occurrence in Sabah.
“I know a man who had his name in the birth certificate written as ‘No Name’ and he is now a prominent politician, and also a woman, who has passed away, also had such a name,” Luping said.
Conducting officer Jamil Aripin (left) later explained that if Sabah were to do a full recall of identity cards, genuine citizens who hold such ‘no name’ birth certificates would have a hard time proving their citizenship.
Similarly, Jamil said, many citizens of the older generation do not have birth certificates to prove their citizenship as their births were not registered in the old days.
Mahat, whose Suluk ancestors had lived in Sabah for a few generations, said he was in school until Form 5 and could speak English but could only manage “broken Suluk”.
However, he said, the intrusion into Lahad Datu by the Suluk from the Philippines, also known as Tausug in that country, has hurt Suluk Sabahans.
“Now the Suluk don’t even dare to speak Suluk, they have been stamped as ‘terrorists’,” he said.
Mahat added that those who had facilitated immigrants to illegally obtain citizenship should also be charged with treason and have their properties confiscated.
“In other countries, they would have been killed,” he said.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

152. forged IC

RCI told at least one forged IC found every two weeks

By Mohd Farhan Darwis
The Sabah National Registration Department discovers at least one forged identity card every two weeks.
Its director, Ismail Ahmad, told the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah identity card forgery is widespread in the state.
"I don't remember the exact numbers, but almost every two weeks there will be cases of people being caught with forged identity cards," he said at the Kota Kinabalu court complex.
However, Ismail said, it is impossible to illegally obtain a genuine identity card now.
"I guarantee that there is no way it can happen, the work is all computerised now," he said.
He said all blue identity card applicants must have birth certificates to prove their citizenship.
Ismail told the RCI the state’s problems with genuine identity cards began in 1978, when genuine blue identity cards were illegally obtained from the NRD.
He said other than birth certificates, the NRD also accepted statutory declarations as a valid document of evidence that the applicant was born in Sabah.
He noted that at that time many Sabahans in the interior areas did not have birth certificates.
“So we accepted declarations signed by village heads and verified by the district officer.
However, the practice was stopped in 1987 when it was discovered there was abuse of power.
Ismail told the RCI that blue identity cards with expiry dates on them being circulated on the Internet were in fact green cards or temporary residence cards.
He told the RCI that for a time, the colour of the MyKad was the same blue.
“But all the cards had markers on them to indicate the type of card they were,” he said.
However, Ismail said, this caused confusion and the department made the temporary residence card green, the permanent resident card red and blue was only for citizens.

151. the CM is a Criminal

Quote: "
Meanwhile, Sabah National Registration Department director Ismail Ahmad told the Commission that crackdown efforts against illegal immigrants in the state have been met with interference especially from grassroot political leaders prompting the Chief Minister's office to step in.
The Commission was told of a letter from the Chief Minister's office advising state assemblyman against interfering in any enforcement action against illegal immigrants in the state."

Sabah RCI: Re-registration of 13 million voters necessary to clean up doubts in electoral rolls, says Sabah EC director

KOTA KINABALU: A massive re-registration of the nation's 13 million voters is necessary to clean up any doubts in the electoral rolls once and for all,  said a senior Election Commission officer.
Sabah Election Commission director Datuk Mohd Idrus Ismail however acknowledged that such a task would be monumental as it would involve not only amending the necessary laws but the Constitution as well.
Testifying at the ongoing Royal Commission of Inquiry on Sabah's illegal immigrant problem, he said the Election Commission was continuously cleaning up the electoral rolls of any doubtful voters or those who had died but these depended also on other agencies namely the National Registration Department.
Citing an example, if the death of a voter from the remote Sapulut region in Sabah's interior was not reported to the NRD, the Election Commission could not unilaterally remove the deceased from the electoral rolls.
Responding to a question from Conducting Officer Manoj Kurup, Mohd Idrus said the state's electoral rolls date back to 1963 when the state teamed up with Sarawak and the peninsula to form Malaysian federation.
''We registered voters who produced an identity card. We took their documents at face value,'' said Mohd Idrus when asked about the testimonies of several witnesses who had obtained identity cards through fraudulent means and subsequently registered as voters and casted their ballots in a number of general elections.
Meanwhile, Sabah National Registration Department director Ismail Ahmad told the Commission that crackdown efforts against illegal immigrants in the state have been met with interference especially from grassroot political leaders prompting the Chief Minister's office to step in.
The Commission was told of a letter from the Chief Minister's office advising state assemblyman against interfering in any enforcement action against illegal immigrants in the state.
Sabah National Registration Department director Ismail Ahmad, who had once served as the state Immigration Department deputy director, said there was indeed such political interference in these matters.
Shown a document by Conducting Officer Manoj Kurup, Ismail said it was a letter from the Chief Minister's office telling state assemblymen not to interfere in any immigration enforcement activities.
Ismail who headed the Home Ministry's lab in May 2011 to find ways of tackling the state's massive immigrant population noted that that the 2010 population census showed that there was one foreigner for every three Sabahans.
He said the total number of foreigners in Sabah that year was 603,179 compared to the local population of 3.2 million.
However at this juncture Manoj pointed out that figures from the Statistics Department showed that there were 889,000 foreigners in the state.
To another question, Ismail said a number of recommendations to reduce the number of foreigners had been proposed in the lab and these include increasing foreign worker levy in noting that the figure in the peninsula was RM900 per person while in Sabah it as RM500.
He said another recommendation was that the workforce in plantations by the year 2015 should comprise locals but employers had voiced concerns over these proposals. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

150. Non-Muslims given refugee status too, says DG

Non-Muslims given refugee status too, says DG

SABAH RCI Immigration Department director-general Alias Ahmad told the hearing of the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants today that the status of 'refugee' is not given only to Muslims.
Testifying before the RCI at the court complex in Kota Kinabalu, Alias ( right ) said it so happened that many Muslims from the Philippines were granted refugee status and this was due to the geographical factor.
"This is a consequence of the situation because our neighbouring countries are mostly made up of Muslims.
"It is a coincidence, but not all of them who receive refugee status are Muslims. There are also non-Muslims," Alias told the RCI.
He was responding to a question from the lawyer holding a watching brief for the Sabah Law Association, Ahmad Abdul Rahman, on the perception that only Muslims were granted refugee status.
These refugees from southern Philippines are given the IMM13 document which would effectively allow them to stay in Sabah and work there, he said
Furthermore, he added that the immigration department also recognised the 'kad burung-burung', a document issued to illegal immigrants during a registration process by the Sabah Chief Minister's Department (JKM).
The document has no identification purposes and is merely an acknowledgement slip that the illegal immigrant had been registered.
Alias acknowledged that the document was not legally recognised but it is "administratively recognised" as it is also issued by a government agency, in this case, the JKM.
"The same applies to the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (passes) which have no legal standing but are administratively recognised, the police do not arrest such holders," he explained.
'Gov't must decide on repatriation'
However, when it was pointed out by conducting officer Manoj Kurup that refugees holding UNHCR passes are repatriated when the conflict in their original country is over, but 'kad burung-burung holders' have remained here for decades, Alias acknowledged the problem.
"I agree, but there must be a policy decision (from the government). If that happens, then the process (of repatriation) will happen," he said.
He added that it is difficult to send back long-time illegal immigrants as their country of origin do not see them as such.
"However, after the Lahad Datu intrusion, the Philippines have been more forthcoming in issuing travel documents for their people to return," he said.
Alias also acknowledged that travel document forgery is rampant but said matters can now be more effectively tackled with the newly-introduced biometric system.
"People can forge Malaysian documents and use them overseas but they will not work when entering Malaysia because we have biometric records," said Alias.
Former Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Steve Shim ( left ), who is heading the commission, then pointed out that the integrity of the officers operating such high-tech gadget was more important that the gadgets themselves.
Alias acknowledged this, saying that he had also set up an "integrity division" within the Immigration Department which is led by a senior Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officer.
However, Alias said his department only had power over gazetted entry points into Sabah but required cooperation from the navy and police for those entering Sabah through illegal routes.
'Blue IC in eight years'
Also taking the stand today was Marthen Salempang, 64 who was born in Sulawesi, Indonesia but managed to obtained a blue identity card.
Marthen, who is of the Toraja ethnic group, a largely Christian community in Sulawesi, said he arrived in Tawau, Sabah in 1970 with an Indonesian passport.
He then worked with a number of logging companies for eight years before he was approached by a woman known as 'Christina' who offered to help him get a blue identity card.
"I was taken to the Tawau native chief and he asked me to fill in a form, took my thumb prints and asked me to pay RM15," he said, adding that he also made a statutory declaration.
Marthen said he subsequently received his blue identity card which stated he was born in Tawau, and has voted in every election since 1981.
Prior to 1988, the National Registration Department (NRD) accepted statutory declarations as evidence that one is Sabah-born and this was abused by foreigners to obtain citizenship.

149. sabah-rci-stunned-indonesian-has-ic.html

Sabah RCI: Stunned Indonesian has IC confiscated at RCI

KOTA KINABALU - An Indonesian who carried a Malaysian blue identity card was shocked today when he was informed by the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants in Sabah that it was forged.

Ishak Us'luan, 46 who was born in Timor, Indonesia and arrived in Sabah in 1983, was lost for words when conducting officer Jamil Aripin (left) informed him of this while he was testifying before the RCI at the Kota Kinabalu Court Complex.

"We have checked your identity card and it is not in the record. It is forged, you were cheated," said Jamil as Ishak remained silent.

After Ishak was released from the witness stand, Jamil asked the RCI if the forged identity card should be confiscated, to which former Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Steve Shim who leads the commission, said that it was up to the conducting officers and relevant authorities to decide.

At this juncture, Jamil decided to confiscate the identity card and advised a stunned Ishak to seek help from the Indonesian consulate to make an Indonesian passport as he now has no travel documents.

"I will tell the investigating officer to take you straight to the Indonesian consulate here.

"My advice is for you to ask help from the consulate to make a passport," he said.

By Nigel Aw

148. RCI Sabah: For some Sabahans, MyKads are elusive

July, 3, 2013 - 6:34 pm

RCI Sabah: For some Sabahans, MyKads are elusive

KOTA KINABALU: While the royal commission of inquiry on Sabah’s immigration problems has heard many accounts of fast-track MyKads for foreigners, one bona fide Malaysian told the RCI of how difficult it was for her family to do the same.
Nancy Padin Salutan, 41, testified that her husband still doesn’t have a MyKad despite being from the same tribe and possessing a birth certificate.
However, her husband is recognised as a permanent resident.
The reasons for his predicament is uncertain, as Nancy broke down during this part of her testimony.
“All his siblings have blue identity card (but) he still cannot get his even though he has a birth certificate,” said Nancy, in between her sobs.
Nancy is of the Lundayeh ethnic group, residing in their ancestral home of Long Pasia, in the highland regions of Sipitang, bordering Lawas, Sarawak.
She explained that she only received her own birth certificate in 2001 and an identity card three months later. This was facilitated by a national registration department mobile registration unit and a mobile court.
“I did not register my birth before this because it will take a one-week walk to Sipitang town to do that and even by car will take four hours,” she said.
Custody problems
As a result of her late birth registration, Nancy said she registered two of her six children’s birth using her brother’s name who already had blue identity card, thus making the children citizens, but also legally making her brother their father.
Only her other four children were registered under her own name after she obtained an identity card after 2001, she said.
At this juncture, lawyer Ahmad Abdul Rahman, who is on watching brief for the Sabah Law Association, offered to help restore the legal status of her two eldest children to prevent inheritance problem in future.
Conducting officer Azmi Ariffin also promised to verify her husband’s status with the NRD.
Nancy added that many in her village had also yet to receive identity cards. – Malaysiakini

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

148. None of the Pakis born in Sabah

All criminals and liars and traitors to Sabah, Joshua

No Pakistani born at Panagatan Laut, RCI hearing told
Published on: Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Kota Kinabalu: A Tambunan local here decided to lodge a police report against the son of a Pakistani man who is married to his cousin but also has a wife in Pakistan, for having obtained Malaysian identification documents through dubious means.
Steven @ Lahamin Wasibin, 49, said Abdullah Mahmod, who is known as Amin Shah in Kg Panagatan Laut, Keningau, has only one child with his cousin.
The matter came to light when he stumbled upon Amir Syed's Facebook account, Abdullah's son with his Pakistani wife in Pakistan.
Amir's information in Facebook says that he was born in Kg Panagatan Laut.
Steven said he became suspicious because as far as he knows, there is no Pakistani born in Panagatan Laut.
"There are only two Pakistanis in Panagatan, Abdullah and his brother," he said when testifying at the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI).
Abdullah, who testified earlier, said it was his wife who wanted the place of birth of Amir to be stated in Kg Panagatan Laut in his identification document.
"I have never met this Amir Syed. And if you ask the people in my village, 1,000 per cent of them would say that this man is not from Kg Panagatan Laut," he said.
When grilled further by conducting officer Datuk Azmi Arifin, Steven said Abdullah admitted previously that he has a wife in Pakistan. He said even his cousin's siblings knew about Abdullah's wife in Pakistan and two sons.
As the chairman of Kg Panagatan Laut JKKK since 2010, he said the he has a list of genuine villagers in Panagatan and that there was no Amir Syed born there.
He also said that the child of his cousin with Abdullah, has Dusunic features but that the two sons of Abdullah with his wife in Pakistan, do not have any Dusunic physical and facial characteristics and features at all.
Steven said the child of his cousin with Abdullah also could converse in Dusun while the two, could not.
According to him, he and PBRS Paganatan Youth chief, Kahirin Bador and villager Hasipin, decided to lodge the police report to conduct an investigation on Amir Syed to check his real identity.
"We checked with the Keningau NRD (National Registration Department) and the officer there said Amir Syed Abdullah was born in Kg Panagatan Laut.
"After confirming this, we immediately lodged the police report," he said.
To a question, he denied that he is jealous of Abdullah and that he has never had any harsh argument with the latter. Abdullah was born in Peshawar, Pakistan.

147. Memang Musa Hitam (Black)

sure Musa Aman is HITAM - black, Joshua
CM is Musa Hitam and the PM is Nazeem'
Published on: Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Kota Kinabalu: A Tamil Nadu-born Indian now a successful restaurateur and textile entrepreneur who blurted "Musa Hitam" when asked who the Sabah Chief Minister was, admitted at the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) hearing, Monday, that he did not obtain his Malaysian identification document legally.
When asked to identify the Prime Minister, he said "Nazeem".
It drew laughter at the hearing.
Zainal Abidin Mohamad, 52, proprietor of Maimunah Curry House and Maimunah Textile in Kota Kinabalu, said he came to Malaysia in 1979 at the age of 18 using an Indian passport and has voted six times in Likas.
According to him, he took a ship from Madras, India, and sailed to Penang and thereafter boarded a plane to Kuala Lumpur on a six-month tourist visa.
After two months in the capital city, he came to Sabah where his uncle, who is based in Kota Belud, came to pick him up at the airport.
As soon as he arrived, he began working in a kedai makan (restaurant) and later switched to peddling clothes. He lived in Kota Belud for six years and from 1987 until 1992 he sold clothing in Tuaran.
Zainal, whose Indian name is Basir Mohamad, said he obtained his blue identity card in 1990 through a friend named Ghani.
"Previously, there were no immigration operations in the villages.
So, I only used a photocopy of my (Indian) passport (as document)," he said.
He said Ghani helped him obtain the blue IC with the later procuring a letter of oath that stated he was born in Sabah.
"I tried to apply for the IC three times between 1983 and 1987 but failed," he said. He said during the three attempts, he used his original name, Basir Mohamad, on the application forms but luck was not on his side.
So he changed it to Zainal Abidin Mohamad the next time he applied and this time, coupled with assistance from his friend Ghani, he successfully obtained the blue Malaysian IC bearing the number H0504879.
"I waited only three months before my friend called me to inform that the IC is ready to be picked up at the NRD (National Registration Department) in Kota Belud," he said, knowing fully well that the information in the document was false.
Zainal said he has no birth certificate nor a citizenship certificate but still managed to obtain the IC using only a letter of oath or false declaration supplied by Ghani.
Using the IC, he registered as a voter and has since voted about five times. Later, he married an Indian wife who until now still uses a passport while his four children, were all born in India.
He tried to obtain a late birth certificate registration for his two sons but failed.
"The NRD told me that if they are already over 22, they cannot apply for the late birth certificate registration," he said.
With a limited grasp of the Malay language, Zainal said he wants to become penduduk tetap (permanent resident/citizen) if the authorities decide to revoke his MyKad.
"I have been staying here (Sabah) for a long time (35 years) alreadyÉsaya mau jadi penduduk tetap (I want to become a permanent resident/citizen)," he said.
When asked who is the current Malaysian Prime Minister, he replied it was Najib. But when asked who is the Chief Minister of Sabah, his answer was "Musa Hitam."

146. the fish bombers

The millions of Trojan Horses are destroyers of everything like ethnic cleansing, Joshua

Don’t buy ‘ikan sulit’ and ‘ikan anjang ajang’, says officer

Posted on July 2, 2013, Tuesday
KOTA KINABALU: It is not easy to catch fish bombers red-handed, Sabah Fisheries Department’s legal and enforcement unit chief, Mohd Yusoff Anthony, said.
Mohd Yusoff told the Royal Commission of Inquiry on the presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah, that this is because they are opportunists who will carry out illegal activities whenever they have the chance.
He said this when replying to a question from Commissioner Datuk Henry Chin Poy Wu yesterday.
Chin had asked Mohd Yusoff how many of those charged in court for fish bombing activities had been arrested red-handed at sea carrying out the illegal style of fishing.
“All those charged were arrested on shore with possession of bombed fish. We have no cases of any arrests made during the actual bombing activity,” he said.
Mohd Yusof said, these people are usually charged under Section 26 (C) of the Fisheries Act 1985 which is for having knowledge that the fish they possess were caught using explosives.
“The burden of proof is on the fisheries department’s enforcement personnel because if the suspect insists that they do not know they are in possession of bombed fish, the enforcement personnel would have to prove that they are lying,” he stressed.
There is also a need for heavier penalties to be imposed on those found in possession of bombed fish so that people will be deterred from carrying out destructive method of fishing, Mohd Yusoff said, adding that the state fisheries department has recommended for the law to be amended.
To a question from Chairman Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong on what types of fish were caught with the explosive method, Mohd Yusoff replied that the most common species are the ikan sulit, ikan anjang anjang, garoupa and trevally.
“Don’t buy ikan sulit and ikan anjang ajang as 95 per cent of those sold in the markets are bombed,” he advised.
To Shim’s next question on how to identify a bombed fish, he replied that the fish’s body would be soft to the touch and when opened, internal bleeding can be seen in the fish’s stomach.
Fish bombing, if not curbed, could contribute to the end of fish stock supply in Sabah due to the loss of habitat and breeding grounds of most fish and marine life, he stressed.
“Homemade explosives are thrown into coral beds where fish are abundant and the explosion will destroy the corals which are where the fish as well as other marine life breed and take refuge in.
“Fish bombing is also bad for tourism as it affects scuba drivers,” he said, adding that from reports the fisheries department received, fish bombing activities are prevalent in the islands of Mengalum, Mantanani, the upper part of Banggi and islands around Semporna including dive havens, Mabul and Sipadan island.
The cases in Mabul and Sipadan island are isolated cases as only about five have been reported, he said.
According to Mohd Yusoff, up to now, 209 Filipinos, 18 Indonesians and 148 Malaysians have been charged in court under Section 26 (C) of the Fisheries Act 1985 and they were fined between RM300 and RM10,000 and/or imprisoned between three to 18 months.
When Shim asked if he personally was happy with the punishment provided under the law, Mohd Yusoff said that the state fisheries department had proposed for heavier penalties.
He also revealed that based on the cases that the department had investigated, fish bombing activities are carried out by immigrants who are residing in Sabah, some whom are in possession of the IMM13 document.
There are also cases of foreign fishermen encroaching into Malaysian waters but these are minimal, he said.

145. Send them away

Most of them are 'terrorists' financed by Al Aq... I want confession ..Joshua

No supporting documents required when I applied for IC, Pakistani tells RCI

by Nancy Lai. Posted on July 2, 2013, Tuesday
KOTA KINABALU: A Pakistani man yesterday told the Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants in Sabah that he applied and obtained a Blue Malaysian Identity Card without providing any supporting document to the National Registration Department (NRD).
Abdullah Mahmood who said he is illiterate told the panel that the application form was filled in by NRD personnel.
“I was not asked for any supporting document, only to submit two black and white photographs,” said Abdullah, who was born in Pakistan in 1958, and added that he applied for the identification document in the 80s.
“I went to the NRD office in Kota Kinabalu and said I want to apply for an identification card. I told the officer there that I was illiterate and a personnel was then asked to assist me to fill in the application form,” he said.
Abdullah, who was very frank when giving his statement, said that he has since voted six times and the first time was in Keningau during the time PBS was in the opposition.
He was initially not allowed to vote because the residents there said that as he was not born in Keningau, so he had no right to vote.
“They had no choice but to allow me to vote after the OCPD checked my Identity Card and instructed them to do so,” he said but added that after several ugly incidents involving his fellow citizens there, he decided to change his voting district to Beaufort.
“They sent thugs to threaten me even though they are aware that I have married a Dusun woman and we have resided in Keningau since the 1990s. Our three sons were even born in Keningau,” Abdullah said.
Abdullah also told the panel that upon the advice of his wife, their children’s nationality on their birth certificate and identity card was stated as Melayu while their place of birth was in Keningau.
Their youngest son, Amir Syed Abdullah’s place of birth was listed down as Kampung Panagatan Laut, the village where they are residing now.
Meanwhile, the chairman of a Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) told the inquiry he denied one Amir Syed Abdullah was his cousin’s son.
This had resulted in the JKKK chairman of Kampung Panagatan Laut in Keningau, Steven @ Lahamin Wasibin lodging a police on Dec 12, 2012 for the authorities to verify the 19-year-old’s place of birth.
Abdullah explained that Steven, who is his wife’s cousin, has never met the boy before as they had only moved to the village about five years ago.

Monday, July 1, 2013

144. RIP Mutalib MD

Mutalib - every genuine Sabahan should miss you very much, Joshua

Mutalib’s death a terrible loss – Jeffrey

KOTA KINBALU: The passing of Mutalib M.D. or Abdul Mutalib bin Abdul Daud is a cause for deep grief, for it is a terrible loss in the long fight for justice in Sabah, according to Bingkor assemblyman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.
In a statement to pay tribute to Mutalib, Jeffrey, who is also the chairman of STAR Sabah, said he was badly shaken and deeply saddened by Mutalib’s sudden death due to stroke in Kuala Lumpur on the morning of June 29. According to his wife, he developed a sudden breathing problem and collapsed.
“He was a rare fighter for justice for Sabahans although he was a Peninsular Malaysian,” Jeffrey said.
“Being a fearless writer exposing misdeeds such as the infamous Project IC, he became a tireless journalist vigilante who struck fear into the hearts of corrupted leaders. He will never be forgotten as the writer of the book IC Palsu Merampas Hak Anak Sabah, and IC Projek Agenda Tersembunyi Mahathir, among others.”
Mourning the loss of whom he considers a close friend, Jeffrey also admired Mutalib’s capabilities as a writer-publisher entrepreneur, surviving very well with various writing and publishing projects, including the maintenance of his highly popular news portal.
“He founded the much feared news portal which had been responsible for the exposes of so many misdeeds of those in power. He was once offered RM2.5 million by a certain party to take over the portal, but he declined because the fight for justice was more important to him than mere money,” Jeffrey said.
“He had also endured a lot of threats and physical assaults from proxies of politicians who didn’t like his bravado in exposing the politicians’ corrupt ways.
“He was scheduled to testify before the RCI this week but what a tragedy that time was not on his side. Now we only have his books to tell us the truth. We love his work, but his efforts have been cut short. We pray that other courageous fighters for justice will step forward like he did, but we also fear that there may never be another one like him.”
Mutalib was also scheduled to attend a school reunion of former schoolmates from SMK Bandaraya (formerly called SMK Menggatal) at a hotel here yesterday, but it was immediately cancelled by the organizers upon hearing of his passing.
“Let’s all pray that his family will have the forbearance and fortitude in passing this loss,” Jeffrey said.