Thursday, February 19, 2015

273. Read up all the missing more than 5000 pages in the RCIIIS find the solutions

 If we need to compile a complete report, it should be 10,000 pages hence RCIIIS has wasted tens of millions of Ringgit of public fund and a lot of concerned citizens' time..  Joshua



Working Committee on illegals holds first meeting

Posted on February 18, 2015, Wednesday

KOTA KINABALU: Those who have any recommendations, ideas or suggestions on how to resolve the issues on the presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah are invited to submit them to the Working Committee on the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah’s secretariat.
Committee chairman Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan said the recommendations, ideas or suggestions can be sent in writing to the secretariat which is located at the Chief Minister’s Department.
The secretariat is jointly headed by State Secretary Tan Sri Sukari Wakiman and State Federal Secretary Datuk Borhan Dolah.
“We will scrutinize the recommendations, proposals and ideas in order to find ways to resolve the problem of the presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah,” Pairin told a press conference after chairing the working committee’s first meeting in Wisma Innoprise here yesterday.
“During the meeting we went through the five Terms of Reference recommended by the RCI and made a few amendments to the first Term of Reference,” he said, adding that with the meeting yesterday it would put to rest doubts on the committee’s existence.
The Deputy Chief Minister said that recommendations from all quarters such as NGOs, political parties and individuals are welcomed and would be discussed by the committee during its monthly meetings.
He also said that the committee was in the process of formulating an action plan towards the resolution of the problem, hence it is still open to any input from all quarters.
“We have a few proposals in mind and if there is any need, we may call some of the individuals, NGOs or political parties to meet with the committee to brief or clarify their recommendations, proposals or ideas,” he said.
Pairin added that the committee hoped to be able to complete its duties by the end of the year in line with the target of achieving the status of zero illegal immigrants by 2020.
When asked to comment on requests for NGOs and opposition parties’ representatives to be included as members of the committee, Pairin said that as all those interested to help resolve the problem can submit their input, there is no need for it.
“We will call any of them who are interested to forward their views (so there is) no need for them to be permanent members but we would like to meet up with them to talk about it. We are not here to prevent anybody to come forward with the suggestions as we welcome all the input,” he stressed.
Pairin added that although the committee was in the process of gathering the input needed, operation by security forces and enforcement agencies would still be ongoing so as to prevent more illegal immigrants from entering the state.
Members of the Working Committee on the Royal Commission of Inquiry on the presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah’s Working Committee include the Home Ministry’s Deputy Chief Secretary, directors of both the National Registration and Immigration Departments, Police Commissioner of Sabah, Sabah Attorney General, state Immigration and National Registration Departments’ directors, ESSCom director and the state government’s Internal Affairs and Research secretary.

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all the TOR----

The Working Committee,there are five (5) ToRs )

 namely (1) Scrutinise and study the RCI's findings and its issues for the purpose of future improvement

 (2) Study public feedback and complaints as well as opinions on the management of foreigners in Sabah

 (3) Study implementation on the management of foreigners in Sabah 

(4) Submitting recommendations on the position of foreigners based on existing laws and regulations and 

(5) Preparing an action plan to resolve the problems of foreigners in terms of social,economy,security and other aspects.

As for the Permanent Committee chaired jointly by the Home Minister and Chief Minister,there are three terms of reference (ToRs) namely (1) Study all recommendations and proposals submitted by the working Committee for further improvements (3) Recognise and verify those recommendations and proposals to be discussed and considered in the State and Federal Cabinets for implementation and (3) Monitor implementation of the Cabinet's decisions over the recommendations and proposals.
Terms of reference (TOR)
1.     To determine the number of immigrants in Sabah that have been given blue identity cards or identity cards or citizenship and if so whether these documents or citizenship was done legally.
2.     To investigate whether the issuance of blue identity cards or citizenship to immigrants in Sabah was in accordance with the law.
3.     To investigate whether immigrants in Sabah holding blue identity cards, temporary identification receipts (blue) or citizenship documents had been illegally registered into the electoral rolls.
4.     To probe whether the authorities had taken any action or carried out any improvements to standard operating procedures (SOP), measures and regulations to avoid any infringement of the law.
5.     To investigate in detail the SOP, measures and regulations relating to the issuance of blue identity cards or citizenship to immigrants in Sabah by taking into account international standards and norms used in Malaysia and to recommend any amendments or changes to strengthen or improve the SOP, measures and regulations.
6.     To investigate the reasons for the increase in Sabah's population in the following categories:
i)   Sabahans living in the state, including those accorded blue identity cards and citizenship
     through late registration of birth; 
ii)  foreign workers (including their families); 
iii) illegal immigrants (including their families); 
iv) refugees;

and their impact on the electoral roll. 
7.     To investigate the social implications of the issuance of blue identity cards or citizenship to immigrants in the state on Sabahans.
8.      To determine the number of foreigners in Sabah who have been given blue identity cards or citizenship by taking into account their stateless status.

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