Monday, January 21, 2013

42. OPEN REPORT by Joshua Kong

OPEN REPORT on the first week of RCI on Illegal Immigrants by Joshua Y. C. Kong

This is a very depressing report on the first week of RCI on Illegal Immigrants for many for reasons best known to themselves.

2.         What we heard from the High Court of the hearings or confession of sort have confirmed the following very important aspect in our midst.

2.1  We have for decades illegal Governments – Federal and State – who favour illegal immigrants because these leaders at various positions such as Prime Ministers, Chief Ministers, State Governors, Elected representatives. Heads of Department and State Chief Secretaries and heads of Non Government Organisations are also illegals. I am against ILLEGAL GOVERNMENTS. I am not anti Government or anti NATIONAL, as alleged by the ILLEGAL GOVERNMENTS.

2.2.So much national resources including a billion Ringgit had been incurred for Project IC for a few decades now confirmed by none other than Dr Mahathir   (no Tunship for traitors).  Why Harris Salleh denied Project IC when he had been very much involved since the USNO Government?  Confirmed HS is primary 5 when he once challenged QC Lester to a debate.

2.3 UMNO/USNO/HS  have given genuine blue IC/MyKad to illegal immigrants for 4 decades of 1.5 to 2m including those children of illegal immigrants who often have big families now left to the burden of the local suffering people.

2.4  Also confirmed that UMNO recruited its members from the illegal immigrants given blue genuine IC.

2.5  Also confirmed that UMNO conducted clandestine operations in 1994 in Hyatt Hotel just before the State’s General Election in 1994 where the ex DPM and Yahya Lambong  plus Osu Sukam and others were mentioned to be present to issue documents to enable illegal immigrants to vote.

2.6  It also confirmed all my several Police Reports not acted by the Police are standing tall in the face of all the frightening revelations so far and much more to come.

2.7   My book “Malaysian General Elections 2004 – A case of Victory – landslide or rigslide “ plus my two High Court Election cases just struck off by the ‘sort’ of Judge cannot be ignored any more for the merits of my powerful proven claims..  UMNO had fraudulently managed more General Elections since independence and more so under the Indian man with two birthdays.

3.   Actually all the issues in 2 were already known to me as per my books “EPIC of Sabah”.  Meanwhile I am awaiting the reports in the press about Jabbar Khan’s disclosure of the Task Force under Musa Aman on the issue of 400,000 identity cards from 1991 to 1994.

4.   Many more exposures soon in the next two sessions to end on 27 February, 2013 if RCI can accommodate all the witnesses.

5.   Many NRD’s senior officers including directors in Sabah were detained under Internal Security Act.  Why were they not charged in the OPEN courts when they actually committed treason?  If they had been charged in OPEN Courts, do you think we need this Royal Commission of Inquiry some several decades later.    

6.   How do you think the national thieves and the illegal leaders want to do proper deals for the poor and hardworking genuine citizens?

7.   Now what do you want done for those national thieves so sound like Ali Baba and 40 thieves when it is for Sabah vis-à-vis Malaysia Mahathir and more than 40 thieves?  What is the punishment for TREASON?

8.   Like in cases of corruption, what do you want done to those givers and receivers of genuine identity cards ?

9.   Genuine Sabahans wake up and rise up to reclaim all the trillions of losses in Sabah gone to foreigners.  GE 13 is not the saviour unless the Electoral Rolls are cleaned up of this documentary citizens.

10. Someone in Daily Express – anonymous as usual and too shameful to tell name – demanded in a letter on 20th January 2013 that illegal immigrants had been so useful for Sabah.  I can prove that as far as Sabah is concerned the illegal immigrants of millions had been liabilities even though there are some positive sides like in a balance sheet.  It has been many nightmares for many for years and who compensate them and how?

11. How can Moro militia personnel be allowed to remain in Sabah as that is the root of all problems in Sabah? Some have joined the army and the civil service possibly holding high positions.

12.  How can one of the historians talk of the ties of people in the neighbourhood as reason to be considered for Identity cards and documentary citizenship when such people were so few in North Borneo in 1960? Check that out with the Population Census in 1960.

13.  Who else would be called to be witnesses?  I have a list of potential witnesses to forward to the RCI if they are not called in the second round.

14.  Can we not appreciate the RCI on Illegal Immigrants even after I had proposed for the RCI Coalition aka [RCI mobiles and monitor] but aborted for lack of interest and public participation.  It is still not too late to revive this RCIC now before the final report comes out possible in March 2013 at the earliest.  Who can now predict the impossibility of any inevitable consequence.

15.       When RCI on Illegal Immigrants was first mooted, it was thought that RCI was useless for Dr. M but now he wants another one for the Peninsula Malaysia.  Sheer madness indeed.

16.   Whatever come 28 April, 2013, the Governments would end.  So be prepared now for an ANARCHY and I would like to claim that position as the Prime Minister of the Interim Good Governance Government IGGG for the good of the nation especially Sabah.  Like in 1969, it was a total national mistake to retained the second PM as the emergency leader for a problem or crisis created by UMNO like installing back the biggest thieves, we must NOT repeat the same mistake to avoid a total disaster again in Malaysia.  Hold the BULL by the horn now.

Finally, lets learn more how you can do for the RCI and RCIC for the bright days ahead for Malaysia especially Sabah. 

More report to come in due course.

Joshua Y. C. Kong
A witness in waiting;
A PM in waiting.

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